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Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Dad ..........My Hero

26th November ‘1998. What a wonderful day it was. Dad was all geared to celebrate Life and Living of 75 years. He didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do so.
Celebrations were at Citizen Hotel. Well wishers were all there, as all genuinely loved him. This was the day he always waited for.  I had flown in early from Dubai, to be there with him at this moment of pride. John who was at the mike,  called me to raise the toast. I Wanted to speak my heart out, for a man I secretly admired.  I raised the glass and words began to flow ..........
“Dad this one is for you.

Ladies  & Gentlemen, the year was 1963. We were asked to write an essay on My Hero.
While many of my classmates wrote on Shivaji or Aurangzeb, I started  writing on my Dad as my Hero. Here was a man who would steal out before daybreak, and would quietly return when we kids were fast asleep. I would always wonder who this person was, who shared space with my mother. It was only by the time I reached High School, I realized this was Dad. He would work from pre dawn to late night, to care for his family- the education of his kids and more. My admiration began to grow for him, when I saw him chase his dreams. Born in an Overcrowded home, 13th in the row, surrounded by coconut palms, fondly called  'Little one' or 'kunju' by all. Dad you have achieved more in your lifetime. The Benchmark you set for a Dad  is difficult to cross. We kids learnt to live in the midst of adversity. My mother’s passing had shattered him. But he never ever let it be seen. Life had to move on. He believed The show must never stop. It did not. Today we have gathered to honour you Dad for all the years you shared with us. Ladies & Gentlemen………the toast of the evening……… Dad, my Hero."
 Sybil & Pearl had ensured the evening was a moment we would cherish. Mary & Liz were behind the arclights. His Grandchildren were geared to continue the tradition of  song & dance. The show had just begun, the show would go on   …………..

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