In Mathew 8:22 Jesus says, "Follow Me, and Let the Dead Bury their own Dead"
He was responding to a request from one follower who asked to be excused from this responsibility and go and bury his father (Mathew 8:21)
What Christ meant was,
Let those Dead to the Word of God attend to the worldly routine, while those alive to the word of God, and having understood it need to go about spreading the Good News to the rest.
Christ asked him to focus on his spiritual calling.
The question is
"Are we Alive and Willing to spread the word of God.
Are we alive and willing to live the word of God"
He was responding to a request from one follower who asked to be excused from this responsibility and go and bury his father (Mathew 8:21)
What Christ meant was,
Let those Dead to the Word of God attend to the worldly routine, while those alive to the word of God, and having understood it need to go about spreading the Good News to the rest.
Christ asked him to focus on his spiritual calling.
The question is
"Are we Alive and Willing to spread the word of God.
Are we alive and willing to live the word of God"