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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

When the Lights went Dim

It was the 21st of December 1986, a star was born and the Night shone Bright.

Today: 21st of December 2018. 32 years have passed us by, and as the hour approached dusk, 
she inquired why the lights were dim.

As the conversation continued, I was struck by the magnanimity of the situation staring at us.  She could no longer have the same vision as before in her right eye, and we
 rushed her to the ophthalmologist.

Please excuse me, I'm not thinking clear. It might just be the stress I am feeling and I guess most likely I shouldn't be here. I'm such a mess I never really ever know what to say when all of my emotions get in the way. I'm just trying to get us on the same page, to let you understand what runs my imagination.

The Doctor confirmed my fears, as he kept asking her, "since when are you in this state". She did not know, and neither did I.
A quick scan of the retina, 'Macular Hole' he pronounced and suggested an immediate surgery to arrest her blindness. 
Immediate surgery she underwent on 5th January. 

Today a month later her vision has not improved. The Doctors say it takes time. Sometimes it could be six months before she gets to see partially again. It's all in God's hands he says, and if you believe in God start praying. 

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