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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Preacher

He was speaking of a new order. His preaching’s and examples caused them to think. His emphasis was on Love - Love God, Love Parents, Love Children, Love Neighbors, Love One Another.      
preacherHis followers claimed, he was the one whose arrival was written about. This caused a disturbance in the existing order. The office bearers did not like any change to the existing. They tolerated his discourse, until they thought he crossed the line. Now their survival was at peril. He had to be done away with.
The Preacher got wind of the plot. He would not succumb to threats. Camouflage he did. His team began to dress and appear like him with flowing robes and mane. This added to their confusion until he stood up to speak. By his words alone was he recognized.
With time, the office bearers were able to get numbers on their side, and the chase to extradite him began. They did not want him to set foot in their domain. He chose not to enter their places of worship. But did challenge them, by entering town riding a Donkey. He did not set foot as was the Order. Welcomed by surging crowds with swaying palms, was beyond their acceptance. But how would they identify him in a crowd and get him arrested by the law keepers. He had a dozen lookalikes. His team had to be torn apart. Which one of this dozen would identify the preacher?
One stood up. He would identify him, if compensated.
The Preacher got to know of this crossover. Being caught was now imminent. That night as they retreated, he partook in their supper. Should he be arrested, he said, they should continue where he had stopped, and whenever they gather for a meal, recall this night of dining together.  
After the meal, the Preacher and his followers withdrew into a nearby forest. This was where they hid the past week. Nobody knew of the place. Until now, their places of hiding was unknown. 
Post midnight, whispers were aloud, of the arrival of the inimical forces, to arrest him. He asked those closest to stay on guard as he planned next. When he returned they were asleep. The sounds of the opposing forces grew nearer. He began to sweat and wondered if this is what it would finally come to. In his mind he gave in. He knew he could not escape as exits were all guarded. His own had brought about this end…..
The Meal is now a ritual. Letters sent initially to those at home of the travails as they preached the word, and accounts of those closest to the Preacher were read for others to be aware of what transpired in the writers presence. These were read and reread, so that those present would know of the teachings ….. this is read to date as the ritual continues.

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