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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pathar is a Stone

"And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter". It was the name given to Simon by Christ when he called him to be a disciple, John 1:42                   This was the Sermon read on Sunday last.

At the time of Emperor Ashoka, it was common knowledge to have decrees etched on stone pillars for all who passed by to read, understand and accept as the Law of the Land.
For the plebian the way of expressing was to write on sand, with the use of his fore finger. With time it was understood that you could also use a stone to inscribe on sand, leaves, or the bark of a tree.
This was also the way of transferring information during the time of the Lord. When the Lord in one of his moments realized the disciples he had chosen were ready, he wanted to prepare them to continue with his teachings after his departure. When they began to accept his spirituality and oneness with God, he said
"Thou, in saying that I am the Son of God, has called me by a name expressive of my true character".
e decided to use Simon for writing his words-like Ashoka's Pillar- for others to read. Use Simon as the stone that one used to write on sand.
And this inspired to call him Pathar – the stone,
a name expressive of Simon’s character. “I call you Pathar - a Stoneand your confession has shown that the Heavenly spirit is in you. I see that you are worthy of the name, and will be a distinguished support and carrier of my teachings. And with this pathar, I will build my church”.
The Church the Lord meant was not the Brick & Mortar, we see today.
It was the spread of his teachings, his philosophies, his thoughts. Somewhere down the line came the disconnect, Pathar became Peter, the Teachings became the edifice, those who were to live by the word lost the heavenly spirit and began  to live in the world, leading earthly lives forgetting that now Pathar is just a Stone.

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